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Centenary of Northern Ireland 2021

Expressions of Interest for Independent Working Group members

In January 2019 Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council agreed to make preparations to mark the Centenary of Northern Ireland in 2021 by forming a working group of Councillors and other local key stakeholders to explore a variety of proposals which could be made to ensure this significant year will be commemorated within the Borough.

The objectives of the Working Group are to commemorate in a dignified and inclusive manner this significant milestone of the 100 anniversary of the formation of Northern Ireland specifically by the following:

• To advise Council on a programme of events, initiatives and commemorative activity planned to mark the  centenary in an appropriate manner.
• To represent the community and key stakeholders in order to develop a programme of events and initiatives   related to the centenary, which will be inclusive and engage all sections of the community. 
• To identify and recommend to the Council a budget to deliver the programme
• To contribute expertise, skills and knowledge from specific areas for the benefit of work of the group
• To engage with others who are planning similar activity to mark the centenary across Northern Ireland.

Expressions of interest are being sought from stakeholders with an interest in and/or skills and knowledge of this subject who feel that they could contribute to the work of this Group.

The Group will meet initially bi-monthly with meeting frequency likely to increase to monthly from mid-2020. Membership is on a voluntary basis and there would also be an expectation that members would attend events in addition to the working group meetings.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please download the Expression of Interest form below and return to Lara Townsend by Friday 31 January 2020.

Expression of Interest form

Email: lara.townsend@antrimandnewtownabbey.gov.uk . Alternatively if you would like more information please call T: 028 9034 0129