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Affiliated Sports Club Booking

Book months advance for your Affiliated Sports Club!

An Affiliated Sports Club has the ability to book months in advance by completing the online below. Make sure to read the guidelines before your application to ensure your club meets the criteria >> Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council Conditions of Hire and Affiliated Sports Club Bookings Terms and Conditions

Make a Booking

Club Details

Leisure Centre to be Booked:



Condition 1: Your booking (series) must consist of 10 or more sessions.

(Please Tick to Confirm)
Condition 2: Each session must be for the same sport or activity.
(Please Tick to Confirm)
Condition 3: Each session must take place in the same place. This condition is still met where a different pitch, court or lane is used (or different number of pitches, courts or lanes, as long as these are at the same establishment).
(Please Tick to Confirm)
Condition 4: The interval between each session must be at least 1day but not more than 14 days (for and interval to be at least 1 day, 24 hours must elapse between the start of each session). The duration of the sessions may be varied. There is no exception for intervals greater than 14 days through the closure of the facility for any reason.
(Please Tick to Confirm)
Condition 5: The series is to be paid for as a whole and there is written evidence to the fact. This must include evidence that payment is to be made in full whether or not the right to use the facility for any specific session is exercised. Provision for a refund given by the provider in the event of the unforeseen non- availability of their facility would not affect this condition. Sessions are unable to be cancelled, but may be relocated providing all guidelines are adhered to.
(Please Tick to Confirm)
Condition 6: The facilities are let out to a school, club, association or an organisation representing affiliated clubs or constituent associations, such as a local league.
(Please Tick to Confirm)
Condition 7: The person to whom the facilities are let has exclusive use of them during the sessions.
(Please Tick to Confirm)

Booking Requirements
Please click here to download the Booking Template. Please fill in you booking requirements and then upload below.


Contact Us

To make contacting us as easy as possible, you can reach us via our Leisure Customer Hub:

We are available to help you Monday – Friday, 8AM - 8PM and Saturday – Sunday, 10AM – 4PM.