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Couch to 5k Returns!

If you are looking for a challenge, then why not join our next Couch to 5k? The programme is a great way of getting fit and active as well as having lots of social benefits too.

If you are looking for a challenge, then why not join our next Couch to 5k? The programme is a great way of getting fit and active as well as having lots of social benefits too.

Antrim Stadium: Mondays & Wednesdays 7-8pm // Starts Monday 2 September

V36: Mondays 7-8pm and Saturdays 9.30-10.30am // Starts Monday 9 September

Both Couch to 5K programmes run for 12 weeks and cost £3 per session or £60 for the 12 weeks. For more information T. 028 9448 1499 or E. active@antrimandnewtownabbey.gov.uk