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Army Cadets Help Council Pledge to Plant 1 Million Trees

D Company Army Cadets, based at Abbots Cross Army Reserve, has planted 250 Oak trees at Global Point, Newtownabbey, as one of the Queens Green Canopy events the Council has planned to mark Her Majesty the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council has several projects planned to celebrate the Jubilee this year, and is engaging with the local community, community groups, uniformed organisations, and other parties who are interested in a community planting project.

Other plans include the planting of a Jubilee Copse (small group of trees) at 4 locations throughout the Borough and a Platinum School Tree Initiative, where all schools in the Borough including Special Schools have been invited to participate in planting a tree for the Jubilee.

Mayor of Antrim and Newtownabbey, Councillor Billy Webb said;

“It is wonderful that D Company Army Cadets have got on-board with the Queen’s Jubilee Platinum initiative and planted 250 Oak trees at Global Point. This is just one of the sites identified for planting with other locations mapped out across the Borough.  These trees will also form part of our Borough pledge to plant a million trees as a commitment to our Climate Change Action Plan and I would encourage our residents and communities to get involved and create valuable green spaces for all to enjoy”.

Captain George McFarland QVRM VR UD RIRISH added;

“We are delighted that we have the opportunity to plant 250 native Oak trees – one for each member of our D Company Cadets.  This is part of our own environmental green area initiate and it is great that we can work together with the Council to achieve this”.

If you would like to get involved in the Council’s planting initiatives please contact angela.ross@antrimandnewtownabbey.gov.uk