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Council strikes lowest rates in Northern Ireland as it builds a prosperous future

After lengthy consideration and having regard to current and predicted inflationary pressures and cost increases, the Council has decided to apply a modest increase of 1.9% to the rates

After lengthy consideration and having regard to current and predicted inflationary pressures and cost increases, the Council has decided to apply a modest increase of 1.9% to the rates. Coupled with an anticipated Regional Rates freeze, this equates to an overall increase of 0.84% or 15 pence per week for an average household and is well below the rate of inflation.

This achievement continues to reinforce the Council’s reputation and track record for the lowest rates increases since the new Council was formed in 2015.

As a result of this careful financial planning, the Council has announced that the Borough is set to attract over £1billion of public and private sector investment. This will generate at least 2,000 new jobs locally and bring significant regeneration benefits and commercial opportunities to local suppliers.

The Council has also revealed its own ambitious investment plans which total £35 million which will see the development of new and refurbished facilities for residents, visitors and local businesses to enjoy across the Borough.

The Council recognises the challenges faced throughout the pandemic. As a result of the prudent and difficult decisions made during the emergency response, the Council will continue to deliver on the commitments made in its Covid Recovery Plan by supporting local residents, the community and voluntary sector and businesses, and looks forward to a sustainable and prosperous future for everyone.

The Mayor of Antrim and Newtownabbey Councillor Billy Webb MBE JP said;

“The rates process was difficult given the uncertain times we are experiencing, but through prudent financial planning Council have been able to deliver this low rates increase of just 15 pence per week for rate payers. Council will continue to invest in strategic projects which are linked to job creation. Through implementation of the Council Recovery Plan we will rejuvenate our places, support our people and rebuild for prosperity”.