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Work Commences on Rathfern Social Activity Centre

The Mayor of Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough, Alderman Stephen Ross, recently marked the commencement of construction work at Rathfern Social Activity Centre.

Rathfern Social Activity Centre is a Council facility managed by Rathfern Community Regeneration Group Ltd.  Representatives of this group as well as Councillors and MLAs attended the event to mark the start of the extension work.

On completion this extension will see the doubling of the current internal floor space, a new reception area, a new entrance area, additional storage, a new youth club hall, a new dance studio, a ‘changing places’ facility, 14 car parking spaces including 3 accessible parking bays and new landscaping and lighting.

This extension will facilitate the expanding youth club by enabling them to run up to four nights per week and the popular playgroup will also be able to extend their hours of operation. Other plans for the use of the new space will include new youth, community and training projects to meet the demand of the local community.

The Mayor commented; 

Through this project Rathfern Community Regeneration Group continue to display their drive and commitment to deliver projects and initiatives that benefit the local community.  I am sure they will continue to thrive and grow with these new facilities.

The work is scheduled for completion later in the year. 


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