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PEACEPLUS partner with the public

Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council is set to receive in the region of £4.3m to deliver a co-designed PEACEPLUS Local Community Action Plan. This highly anticipated programme will fund peacebuilding initiatives and projects which will develop not only the strength, skill and resilience of local communities, but also the infrastructure within them.

Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council is set to receive in the region of £4.3m to deliver a co-designed PEACEPLUS Local Community Action Plan. This highly anticipated programme will fund peacebuilding initiatives and projects which will develop not only the strength, skill and resilience of local communities, but also the infrastructure within them.

The programme will include a range of projects under the following three investment areas:

  • Local Community Regeneration & Transformation
  • Thriving & Peaceful Communities
  • Celebrating Cultures & Diversity

The views of local residents and stakeholders will be crucial in developing a co-designed programme which will be reflective of the needs and views of the local community, and which will aim to leave a lasting and tangible legacy to peacebuilding within Antrim and Newtownabbey. The PEACEPLUS Partnership is asking anyone with an interest in peacebuilding or actively working within communities, to engage with this consultation process, and ensure your views are heard.

To achieve this, public engagement events will take place across the Borough as follows:

  • Crumlin United Football Club: 25 January 2023, 2pm & 6pm
  • The Old Courthouse, Antrim: 2 February 2023, 2pm & 6pm
  • Ballyclare Town Hall: 8 February 2023, 2pm & 6pm
  • Toome House: 15 February 2023, 2pm & 6pm
  • Lilian Bland Pavilion, Glengormley: 23 February 2023, 2pm & 6pm
  • Valley Leisure Centre, Newtownabbey: 1 March 2023. 2pm & 6pm
  • Mossley Mill, Newtownabbey: 8 March 2023, 2pm & 6pm

The Mayor of Antrim and Newtownabbey, Alderman Stephen Ross said “I would like to encourage residents and stakeholders to attend these public engagement events as their views will play an integral role in the design of the PEACEPLUS programme. Getting involved will give you an opportunity to positively contribute to peace in your community for generations to come”.

For more information about the overall PEACEPLUS programme, visit antrimandnewtownabbey.gov.uk/peaceplus.