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Your Parks, Your Voice’: Council Urges Public to Share Feedback for Future Park Improvements

Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council is inviting local residents and visitors to take part in its ‘Your Parks, Your Voice’ campaign, encouraging feedback to help improve and develop the Borough’s parks and open spaces.

Whether you have ideas for upgrades or new initiatives, your input is essential in shaping the future of these community spaces.

The Mayor of Antrim and Newtownabbey, Councillor Neil Kelly, commented, “We want our outdoor community areas to be enjoyed by everyone, now and for future generations. Our vision is to ensure that our parks and open spaces are not only rich in nature and biodiversity but also sustainable, inclusive, and fun spaces for everyone, from families enjoying playtime to dog walkers staying active and the community coming together for local events.”

Council and its community groups currently maintain 29 Green Flag parks and open spaces, demonstrating their commitment to providing high quality, accessible spaces for all. Public feedback is key in ensuring these spaces remain a success and in guiding the creation of future developments that meet the community’s needs.

Council is also calling on individuals with a passion for gardening and nature to join the Friends of the Coronation Garden group. Volunteers will have the opportunity to contribute to the upkeep of the Coronation Garden at Hazelbank Park, regardless of their available time or skill. The group’s initial focus will be on improving the grounds, ensuring they continue to be a cherished space for all to enjoy.

For more information or to submit your park feedback, please visit antrimandnewtownabbey.gov.uk/visitor/parks-open-spaces. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Friends of Coronation Garden, please email parksadmin@antrimandnewtownabbey.gov.uk.
