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British Deaf Association’s British Sign Language (BSL) & Irish Sign Language (ISL) Charter

Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council has proudly signed up to the British Sign Language & Irish Sign Language Charter, committing to promote better access to public services for Deaf communities.

The BSL/ISL Charter is designed to empower local Deaf communities and resolve barriers between service providers and Deaf people while increasing awareness of Deaf issues.

By signing the Charter, the Council pledges to:

  • Consult formally and informally with the local Deaf community on a regular basis

  • Ensure access for Deaf people to the Council’s information and services

  • Support Deaf children and families in the Borough to live a more fulfilled life.

Level 1 BSL Sign Language Courses

Council will be running a free Level 1 BSL Sign Language Courses commencing on 23 October and running for 22 sessions until 9 April.

Classes will take place in the Whinestone Suite at Antrim Civic Centre, 50 Stiles Way, Antrim, BT41 2UB.

Sign up to the class: 2-5pm

For further information, contact our Accessibility and Inclusion Officer on E. accessibility@antrimandnewtownabbey.gov.uk