Stay connected with people in your community. We're working with a range of statutory, community and voluntary organisations in the Borough to address loneliness.
The Antrim and Newtownabbey Loneliness Network was launched in June 2019 with over 35 organisations from the statutory, voluntary, community, education and business sectors coming together to address loneliness throughout the Borough.
Whether you are looking for a new recreational activity or a local support group, why not take a look and see if there is a service suitable for you.
You will see the Connected logo on our community initiatives, such as our buddy benches in our parks, chatty cafes plus our funded projects that aim to prevent loneliness. Plans are underway to launch a digital inclusion project to ensure that the more vulnerable in society have easier access to devices to stay digitally Connected. The main goal is addressing loneliness and we hold to the statement by the Jo Cox Commission Report on Loneliness (2019);
Loneliness can affect anyone from the elderly to new mothers, or refugees to the recently bereaved.
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