Following the publication of our POP, the Forward Planning Team carried out an assessment of the responses received. The Council has prepared a Preferred Options Consultation Report which provides a summary of the main issues raised following the POP public consultation and how these issues were taken account of in the preparation of the Local Development Plan .
You can view the Preferred Options Paper Consultation Report by clicking here.
Should you require a copy of this document in an alternative format, it can be made available on request in large print, audio format, DAISY or Braille. It may also be made available in minority languages to meet the needs of those whom English is not their first language. Our contact details are set out at the bottom of this page.
The POP was published along with a number of other key documents which are also subject to public consultation. These documents have been prepared alongside the POP and include a Sustainability Appraisal Interim Report incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulation Assessment and an 'Equality Screening Assessment Interim Progress Report.'