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The Sovereign Complex

T. 02890865917
E. rathferncommunity@gmail.com
W. www.sovereigncomplex.co.uk
Knockenagh Way, Newtownabbey, BT36 6BE

The Sovereign Complex

Please visit the Sovereign Complex Website or T. 028 9086 5917

The Sovereign Complex is ran on behalf of Rathfern Community Regeneration Group and the residents of Rathfern Estate. The community centre has rooms which are hired out to the Little Stars Playgroup, Surestart, Priory Training Group, Judo, Yoga, Royal Tara Dance Academy & Fiona McKittrick School of Dance, Slimming World, Community Capacity Building Training Groups, Social Services, Bible Clubs, Junior and Senior Youth Club, Homework Club, Art Club, Local Band, and Rathfern Junior Hill Wardens. 

At the weekends they host Birthday Parties, Hill Walkers, Blue Blossoms Family Support Group and other community events.