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Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council Logo

Your Glengormley

A regeneration programme with a range of projects in the centre of Glengormley, supported by funding from the Department for Communities, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, and the Council. 

What will be happening?

What will be happening?
  1. Redevelopment of the former police station into an office/workspace hub
  2. Shopfront Scheme (Creatives Tiles to Movie House) - Complete!
  3. Improving connectivity through Farmley carpark and private road with environmental and carriageway enhancements.
  4. New Right Hand Turning Lane into Glenwell Road - Complete!
  5. Significant public realm scheme from the former police station site through the town and finishing on the Antrim and Ballyclare roads just beyond the main section of shops.

Investment and Regeneration in Pictures

We were awarded more than £5million for regeneration schemes in Antrim and Glengormley, following a successful bid to the Levelling Up Fund. We will be utilising £3 million of this funding to redevelop the former police station site into a new state of the art flagship building hosting 20,000 sq ft of modern flexible office/workspace for new start up and early growth businesses.

The first step in the regeneration projects was to redesign and improve the shopfronts along the block of units from Creative Tiles to the Movie House.  This work has now been completed.

Aligned with the office/workspace project, we worked closely with the Department for Infrastructure Roads Service to introduce of a right hand turning pocket at the junction of the Antrim Road and Glenwell Road, to help alleviate congestion in the area. A one-way system from Farmley Road to Glenwell Road is also proposed with a major upgrade to Farmley carpark and the adjacent road included within the scheme.

A significant public realm scheme will also be delivered from the former police station site through the town and finishing on the Antrim and Ballyclare roads just beyond the main section of shops. This will include new pavements, street furniture, lighting and increased public pedestrian space throughout the commercial centre of the town.

The public realm proposals will require the submission of a major planning application and as a result a dedicated pre-application community consultation will be undertaken locally at that time.

  • Latest Update
  • What does the work involve?
  • Why are these projects happening?
  • Who is funding the projects?
  • When will the work start and finish?
  • Will the shops still be open during the work?
  • Who do I contact about any aspect of the work?
  • What is a public realm scheme?
  • What are the different phases of the project?
  • Will parking, loading arrangements and vehicle access change during the project?
  • How will disruption for shoppers and traders be kept to a minimum during the works?
  • How will you encourage shoppers and visitors to keep coming to the town during the construction works?
  • Who is carrying out the works?
  • How can I keep up to date with the projects progress?
  • How are you going to prevent cars parking on the side of the road?
  • Do the projects need planning permission?

Useful Contacts

Economic Development Team

Tel: 0300 123 4568

Email Economic Development Team