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Public Consultation

Public Consultation

A Public Consultation Event will take place on Monday 26 February at 1pm-3pm and 4pm-7pm, in the Dunanney Community Centre 70 Rathmullan Drive, Rathcoole, where the Council, Collins Rolston Architects and the Design Team will be available to talk through proposals, answer any queries and receive feedback in relation to the proposed Rathcoole Community Hub and 3G Pitch.

You can provide feedback on these proposals between Monday 26 February and Monday 11 March.

To help you provide feedback, we have provide the following presentation drawing:

Click here to view the existing site plan
Click here to view the site proposals
Click here to view the building proposals
Click here for more information on community engagement and the business case.

Rathcoole Community Hub and 3G Pitch

Rathcoole Community Hub and 3G Pitch

Antrim & Newtownabbey Borough Council is developing design proposals for a new build single story pavilion building adjoining an existing changing room pavilion with new vehicular & pedestrian access to be constructed from Rathmullan Drive with new car parking, hardstanding, and landscaped areas adjacent to the new building. A 3G pitch is proposed in lieu of the existing grass football pitch, with associated fencing, gates, floodlighting, drainage, and hardstanding. An array of roof mounted 50KW PV panels are proposed as part of the development to provide a minimum of 41000 kilowatt hours at lands approx. 40m east of Dunanney Community Centre, Rathmullan Drive BT37 9DQ, approximately 22m south of 3 to 8 Green End BT37 9NQ and approx. 20m west of 1 to 5 (odds) Ardmillan Drive BT37 9QJ, Rathcoole, Newtownabbey.


Comments and Feedback

Comments and Feedback

If you cannot attend the public consultation, you can submit comments and feedback directly to:

Email:    info@collinsrolston.com  

Post:      Dunanney Pavilion Scheme, Collins Rolston Architects, 8th Floor, Causeway Tower, 9-11 James Street South, Belfast, Co Antrim, BT2 8DN.

All comments or feedback should be received no later than Monday 11th March 2024.

If you are unable to access the project details online or you require further information on the draft proposals the Council and Collins Rolston Architects can be contacted by emailing: info@collinsrolston.com   


Please Note: This notice does not relate to the planning application. Comments should not be made to Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council. Any comments made to the prospective applicant are not representations to the planning authority. If a planning application is subsequently submitted to Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council, normal neighbour notification and publicity will be undertaken at that time, and you will have the opportunity to make formal representation regarding the proposal at that time.