If the dwelling was built before 1945, a tenant moved in after 1 April 2007, it does not have a Regulated Rent Certificate issued within the past 10 years or did not have a renovation grant paid by the Housing Executive within the past 10 years or did not have a HMO grant paid within the past 10 years you are required by law to have an inspection carried out on the property to determine its fitness for human habitation, the cost of which is £50. Failure to do so is an offence and can result in a fine.
The inspection is carried out by Environmental Health Officers and a certificate of fitness will be issued if the dwelling meets the fitness standard for human habitation. To pass inspection the dwelling must:
- Be structurally stable
- Be free from serious disrepair
- Be free from dampness prejudicial to the health of the occupants
- Have adequate provision for lighting, heating and ventilation
- Have an adequate piped supply of wholesome water
- Have satisfactory facilities in the house for the preparation and cooking of food, including a sink with a satisfactory supply of hot and cold water
- Have a suitably located toilet for the exclusive use of the occupants
- Have a suitably located fixed bath or shower and wash-hand basin each of which is provided with a satisfactory supply of hot and cold water
- Have an effective system for the draining of foul, waste and surface water
If one or more of these standards are not met, the dwelling will be deemed to be unfit and a notice of refusal will be issued, meaning that the rent for the property will be controlled by the Rent Officer for Northern Ireland until the works required to bring the property up to the fitness standard are carried out.
Application to Conduct an Inspection for Fitness - Landlords (36Kb)
Application to Conduct an Inspection for Fitness - Tenants (54Kb)
Related Links:
Does Tacit Consent Apply?
No. It is in the public interest that the dwelling must be inspected in order to determine whether the house is fit for human habitation. A certificate of fitness cannot be issued without having assessed the property against the fitness standards.
If you have not heard from the Council within a reasonable period, please contact us. You can do this by telephone on 028 90 340160 , or email at envhealth@antrimandnewtownabbey.gov.uk.
Apply Online:
Certificate of Fitness For a Property Built Before 1945