• Important Notice
  • NEWTOWNABBEY AREA: If your WHEELIE BOX/BIN has not been serviced today, please continue to leave it kerbside. The collection may be outside of normal collection hours today or Saturday 18 January
  • Important Notice
  • ANTRIM AREA: If your BIN has not yet been serviced, please continue to leave it kerbside to facilitate collection which may be outside of normal collection hours.
  • Accessibility Options

Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council Logo

Non Council Services

We've listed some useful contacts to help you find information on services the Council is NOT responsible for.

Organisation / Body
Contact Details
Animal Welfare 028 2563 3134
Bus and Rail queries (Translink) 028 9066 6630
Citizens Advice (Antrim & Newtownabbey) 028 9590 6505
Education Authority 028 2565 3333
Electricity Faults & Emergencies (24 hours) 03457 643 643
Fallen trees (Department for Infrastructure) 0300 200 7893
Gas Emergency Response (24 hours) 0800 002 001


Antrim Area Hospital
Whiteabbey Hospital


028 9442 4000
028 9086 5181

Housing Executive

Main Number (including grass cutting & graffiti)
Repairs Line
Housing Benefit


03448 920 900
03448 920 901
03448 920 902

Land Registry 0300 200 7803
Land & Property Services (Mapping) 0300 200 7804
Northern Health & Social Care Trust 028 9442 4000
Pest Control Consult your phone directory
Rates (Property Rating & Valuation) 0300 200 7801

TransportNI (Previously Roads Service)

Bus shelter vandalism/graffiti
Cut roadside trees and grass verges
Fallen trees
Flooding roadway, footpath and blocked road gullies (24 hours)
Road repairs (including potholes)
Street lighting
Traffic Hotline
Winter salting (24 hours)

028 9054 0540

028 9046 3250
028 9054 0540
0300 200 7891
028 9025 3000
0300 200 7893
0300 200 7899
0845 712 3321
0300 200 7893

Social Security Agency Antrim and Newtownabbey Offices

Benefits Freephone
Employment Service


0800 022 4250
0300 200 7822

Telephone/Utility Boxes (BT Fault) 0800 023 2023
Electoral Office (Voting) 0800 432 0712
NI Water 03457 440088
Flooding Incident Line (24 hours)
Report your property is flooded or flooding
0300 200 0100
Flooding - Council owned property 028 9446 3113

Northern Ireland Water (24 hours)
Burst watermains and blocked sewers

0345 744 0088

Northern Ireland Environment Agency
Water pollution in watercourse

0800 807 060

Consumerline (9am to 4pm) 0300 123 6262
Action Fraud 0300 123 2040