Chief Executive's Office
Richard Baker GM MSc
The Chief Executive is the Council’s Head of the Paid Service, Chief Financial Officer and Principal adviser on strategic and policy issues. The Chief Executive has responsibility for ensuring the efficient, effective and equitable discharge of responsibilities of the Council as detailed in legislation.

Director of Parks and Leisure Operations
Matt McDowell
Responsible for Parks and Open Spaces, Bereavement Services including Cemeteries and Crematorium, Registration, Car-park Services, Caravan Parks, Council’s Estate Management including Contract Services, and Leisure Services including Sports Development.

Director of Finance and Governance
Sandra Cole
Responsible for Finance, Rates Estimates, Internal Audit & Risk Management, Elections, Payroll, Procurement, ICT, Digital Transformation, Information Governance, Freedom of Information Requests & Data Protection, Member Services, Mayor’s Office, Corporate Health and Safety and Resilience, Insurance and Capital Development.

Director of Economic Development and Planning
Majella McAlister
Responsible for leading the implementation of the Council’s Economic Development Strategy, prioritising key initiatives which will drive inclusive economic growth along with the physical regeneration of the Borough. The Planning function is well placed in this Directorate which is also responsible for the production of the new Local Development Plan alongside delivering the Council’s Building Control function.

Director of Sustainability
Michael Laverty
Responsible for Waste, Environmental Health, Fleet Management and Sustainability.

Director of Corporate Strategy
Helen Hall
Responsible for supporting the Chief Executive to shape and deliver the Council’s Corporate vision and strategic priorities through the delivery a portfolio of strategic projects.

Director of Organisation Development
Jennifer Close
Responsible for Human Resources, which includes Recruitment and Systems. Organisation Development, encompassing Learning and Development, Employee Engagement, Health and Wellbeing, Reward and Recognition, Performance Improvement, Accessibility and Inclusion and Customer Services.

Director of Community Development
Ursula Fay
Responsible for Community Planning, Development and Safety, Good Relations, EU Programmes, Arts, Culture, Tourism and Events, Business Support and Administration and Marketing.