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Youth Start

Employment Support Programme

Build Your Life and Work Skills

Build Your Life and Work Skills

YouthStart is a exciting new partnership initiative between leading youth work charities YouthAction Northern Ireland, The Prince’s Trust, Springboard Opportunities Ltd, the Northern Ireland Youth Forum and The BYTES Project. Together we are offering 125 economically inactive young people (16-25yrs) from across Northern Ireland, a bespoke framework to build their life and work skills.

Through YouthStart each young person will benefit from;

Life and health skills activities to tackle barriers to employment; learning skills activities to gain qualifications and motivation; work skills activities to build transferable and specific skills for growth sector jobs; receive 150 – 200 hours minimum support and training.

For further information T: 028 9024 0551

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Find out what other Employment Support Programmes are available.

Labour Market Partnership

Funded by the Department for Communities, Department for the Economy and supported by Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council, Antrim and Newtownabbey Labour Market Partnership will deliver a range of programmes to help our residents gain the work-ready skills, experience or qualifications needed to move into employment or to move into a better job.  View our action plan here.

This information has been provided by the Labour Market Partnership (LMP)

LMPs)have been established across the Councils in Northern Ireland to help improve employability outcomes and labour market conditions locally.  It is hoped that by working through multi-agency partnerships we will be able to achieve regional objectives whilst being flexible to meet local needs.

The LMP approach has been introduced by DFC to ensure employability delivery is reflective of the needs of local employers and residents. 

LMPs will play a role in supporting ‘Employability NI’, which is DfC’s regional approach to supporting those who are unemployed to get back to.

Employability NI is designed to provide a range of interventions to:

  • Deliver a reduction in economic inactivity and long-term unemployment;
  • Provide increased support for those with physical/mental health conditions and disabilities; and
  • Implement an intervention that provides a collaborative nature between Central Government Departments and Local Council area to offer direct and unique interventions.  Hence LMP’s 

The ultimate aim of the partnership will be to get more of our residents into better jobs.

Contact us at skills@antrimandnewtownabbey.gov.uk for help to get into work or for help to find employees.