The exhibition which features a range of art forms including visual arts and dance, seeks to raise awareness about domestic abuse affecting older women and get the message out that it is never too late to seek help.

Speaking at the launch Mayor of Antrim and Newtownabbey, Councillor Mark Cooper said “This year the global theme for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is "Closing the Circle: Addressing Gender-Based Violence in Older Age. Last year, police recorded 5,423 crimes affecting older people over the age of 55 related to domestic and sexual abuse.”

Women’s Aid ABCLN CEO, Rosemary Magill said “Older women may have been living with domestic abuse all their adult lives, in silence and invisible, or it can start in later years. The Older But No Safer project funded by the National Lottery Community Fund ‘People and Communities’ programme, works with older women and communities to increase awareness about domestic abuse and provide greater protection for women aged 55 and over.”
The launch was attended by Women’s Aid ABCLN’s Volunteer Joan Cosgrove, whose performance of ‘The Lonely Old Woman’ monologue depicting issues of domestic abuse that pervade older women’s lives, was screened to mark World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.

Rosemary, who will be retiring this summer after twenty-five years at the helm of Women’s Aid ABCLN said “I want to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank Joan for her commitment and support for the Older But No Safer project.”
Mayor of Antrim and Newtownabbey, Councillor Mark Cooper and Women’s Aid ABCLN Ambassador Noreen McClelland presented Rosemary and Joan with flowers in recognition of their work and thanked them for their dedication and service to women affected by domestic abuse.

The ‘It’s Never Too Late’ exhibition will be on display in The Flax Gallery at The Theatre at The Mill, Newtownabbey throughout June. For more information and support you can call Women’s Aid ABCLN on 028 25 632136.