• Waste Collections
  • Due to recent weather conditions, there have been severe disruptions to collections across the Borough. Crews will be attempting to collect all missed areas on Saturday 11th January.
  • Black/Blue Bins
  • If your blue or black bin has not been collected by late afternoon on Saturday 11th January, please leave your bins kerbside for 7am on Monday 13th January to facilitate collection.
  • Wheelie boxes
  • If your wheelie box has not been collected by late afternoon on Saturday 11th January it will be collected at the next scheduled date. Crews will take overflow bags, one material in each, no glass.
  • Accessibility Options

Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council Logo


Monkstown Boxing Club Receives Unanimous Decision for Community Hub

Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council’s Planning Committee has unanimously approved plans for a major community hub being developed by Monkstown Boxing Club in just 21 weeks (subject to call-in period).

The club’s plans for ‘The Box’ will see demolition of the existing club and creation of a community wellbeing hub featuring a main gymnasium, classrooms/ training rooms, a music and dance studio, and climbing zone.

The plans also include four social enterprise units, a training kitchen and a ‘coffee dock’ and will help the applicants to deliver a wide range of support services, with the aim of helping young people to become economically active as well as have improved lives.

This will represent a £8m investment creating 75 – 100 construction jobs. Work, depending on funding, is expected to begin in April 2024.

Mayor of Antrim and Newtownabbey Councillor Mark Cooper BEM said:

This impressive project will be of substantial value to young people suffering from mental health issues or other challenging conditions.

The ambitious and varied support being brought to the community by Monkstown Boxing Club makes for an impressive example of practical help being used to make a real difference to a large number of people.

Chairman of the Planning Committee Councillor Robert Foster added:

The Box will further enhance the great work this club already provides to the local community. It will create a focal point where young people can find support, stay active, make new friends and lean on the expertise of others to improve their lives.