• Waste Collections
  • Due to recent weather conditions, there have been severe disruptions to collections across the Borough. Crews will be attempting to collect all missed areas on Saturday 11th January.
  • Black/Blue Bins
  • If your blue or black bin has not been collected by late afternoon on Saturday 11th January, please leave your bins kerbside for 7am on Monday 13th January to facilitate collection.
  • Wheelie boxes
  • If your wheelie box has not been collected by late afternoon on Saturday 11th January it will be collected at the next scheduled date. Crews will take overflow bags, one material in each, no glass.
  • Accessibility Options

Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council Logo

A person may claim resident status by providing proof of residency in Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough in the preceding seven years.

Proof of residency requires the presentation of official original documents (not photocopies) that confirm an applicant’s address in the Borough, dated within the last seven years and may include:

  • Driver’s licence
  • Ultility bill
  • Bank/Post Office/Buulding Society Statement
  • Credit/Debit card statement
  • Mortgage statement
  • Rates bill

* Resident status will be established for former residents who had no choice but to relocate outside the borough for reasons beyond their control, related to their care, following receipt of confirmation from a suitable care provider.

Anyone who is unable to provide proof of residency will be charged as non-Residents.

The Council reserves the right to check any addresses using the Land & Property Services search facility to determine if the address is within the Council boundary.

Definition of Resident - a person who has permanently resided in the Borough of Antrim and Newtownabbey in the preceding seven years.

Definition of a Non-Resident – a person who has not permanently resided in the Borough of Antrim and Newtownabbey in the preceding seven years.