• Waste Collections
  • Due to recent weather conditions, there have been severe disruptions to collections across the Borough. Crews will be attempting to collect all missed areas on Saturday 11th January.
  • Black/Blue Bins
  • If your blue or black bin has not been collected by late afternoon on Saturday 11th January, please leave your bins kerbside for 7am on Monday 13th January to facilitate collection.
  • Wheelie boxes
  • If your wheelie box has not been collected by late afternoon on Saturday 11th January it will be collected at the next scheduled date. Crews will take overflow bags, one material in each, no glass.
  • Accessibility Options

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Bridging the Generation Gap

Bridging the Generation Gap

Our Age Friendly work focuses on making sure people of all ages feel respected and included within the communities they belong to. It is important for younger and older generations to respect each other. Doing intergenerational activities together is a fantastic way to achieve this.

Intergenerational activities are social engagements and interactions, bringing together younger and older generations for a common purpose. These activities help us appreciate and value what each age group brings to the community. Nowadays, we're living longer, and our society is busier, often making it harder for different generations to connect.

By taking part in these activities, we can break down the idea that being a certain age is a problem. It helps us build real relationships, make friends, and have meaningful conversations with people of all ages.

Our work so far

Christmas Card Exchange Pilot Project - December 2023

In December 2023, a Christmas Card exchange was facilitated between Whitehouse Primary School P7 class and Inniscoole Day Centre. Both groups created their own hand crafted cards with personalised messages and our Age Friendly Officer facilitated exchanging the cards between the groups. Check out their creations below.

Whitehouse Primary School and Inniscoole Day Centre Christmas Card Exchange

Glengormley Integrated Primary School Mural

In April 2024 an art project was completed between Glengormley Integrated and Antrim and Newtownabbey Seniors' Forum. They did a brain storming exercise on week one of all the things they could do and decided to make murals for the primary school which reflect the interests and hobbies of the older and younger people. The Primary School are celebrating 20 years of integrated status this year so this will also be incorporated into the theme.


Expression of Interest

Would your group like to participate in Intergenerational activities in your local area? Why not complete the form below and our Age Friendly Officer will contact you!

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