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Addressing Dementia in Antrim and Newtownabbey

Addressing Dementia in Antrim and Newtownabbey

Antrim and Newtownabbey has approximately 24,500 people over the age of 65 living in the Borough.  In Northern Ireland, approximately 19,000 people live with dementia and this number is predicted to rise to 60,000 by 2050 (DHSSPS, 2011).  

Dementia is not a normal part of ageing however, as individuals live longer and independently at home, the risk of developing age based cognitive decline and dementia can increase. 

There are multiple benefits of early diagnosis of Dementia and the person affected has the right to the correct diagnosis and to the appropriate treatment. This could potentially delay progression of the disease in some cases.

Early Detection, Enhanced Support


Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council work in partnership with the Northern Health and Social Care Trust (NHSCT) Dementia Service Improvement Team to provide indication of possible cognitive decline and give signposting to help enable a potentially early diagnosis of dementia as part of the Home Safety Checks that we offer to Over 65s and Vulnerable adults. 

When carrying out a free Home Safety Check, the Council’s Home Safety Team would carry out a consultation with the resident to identify risks to help provide tailored safety advice and free equipment. As part conversations about safety in the Home Safety Check it may become apparent that individuals or family members have concerns around cognitive decline and dementia. This scheme addresses these concerns by providing checklists and advice for those individuals who are concerned.

It is hoped this will identify those at early stages of dementia and will help individuals to potentially receive an earlier diagnosis, thus allowing for improved treatment options and families to look at advance care planning.

We can do this as our Home Safety Team have been trained by the NHSCT Dementia Service for this specific task.  We will ensure to inform the individual or family that this is not be a clinical assessment but provides an opportunity for discussion around the process of raising concerns with a GP, the provision of information, advice, reassurance and guidance around next steps.  We also reassure that some difficulties with memory are normal as we age so this may not be Dementia.

For more information and to book a Home Safety Check contact T. 028 9034 0160 or E. envhealth@antrimandnewtownabbey.gov.uk or fill in the form below.

Request a free Home Safety Check

State the person who the Home Safety Check is for or name of parent/guardian if requesting an under 5s Home Safety Check
Category of Home Safety Check:

Please list age of person (or child(ren) under 5) who you are requesting the Home Safety Check for.
If requesting a Home Safety Check on their behalf and with their consent
If you wish to receive an email notification that your request has been received
I Consent:
Security code: