Local businesses now have a more convenient, flexible, reliable and fully comprehensive waste collection & recycling service, helping our customers to save money and recycle more of their waste.
You can choose a weekly, fortnightly or monthly service depending on your needs and there is also a choice of bin size.
Please note all organic waste (food and garden waste) must now be separated from your trade waste receptacle and placed in a brown bin. By keeping organic waste out of your existing bin, Council can achieve low waste treatment costs and reduce waste to landfill.
The items that can be recycled in the brown bins:
Food waste
Meat - raw/cooked
By removing the 'organic' waste you may need less lifts of your general waste container which will ultimately result in cost savings for your business. All commercial bins will be supplied free of charge (unless the business wishes to supply their own).
There may be significant opportunity for your business to save money through the new scheme
The service will help you tie into your Corporate Social Responsibilities or environmental accreditations
Every business, big or small, has a legal Duty of Care to dispose of waste through a licensed waste carrier
Taking part in the scheme helps recover valuable materials for reprocessing, saving on valuable natural resources
Your participation will help in reaching Northern Ireland's ambitious landfill diversion targets over the coming years
We offer a convenient, reliable and flexible service from a team of friendly and professional staff
This will depend on the size of your bin. Each container is charged on a per lift basis. Below are associated costs for each container:
General Waste:
Organic Waste Collection Charges:
Please find individual purchase charges, detailed below:
Food waste is collected separately and sent to a company called NWP, where the materials are composted and sold on as their final, Rosie Lee compost product.
All remaining materials, including recyclable and non recyclable material will be collected together and taken to a local materials recycling facility where they will be separated into individual waste streams, bailed and sold on for final reprocessing.
Please read the terms and conditions complete and return the application form. Once completed please forward to waste@antrimandnewtownabbey.gov.uk with the subject title Commerical Waste Service.
Commercial Waste Application Form
The service can be paid for annually or by monthly direct debit
Direct Debit -Mandate-Form-TRADE-WASTE.pdf
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