• Important Notice
  • NEWTOWNABBEY AREA: If your WHEELIE BOX/BIN has not been serviced today, please continue to leave it kerbside. The collection may be outside of normal collection hours today or Saturday 18 January
  • Important Notice
  • ANTRIM AREA: If your BIN has not yet been serviced, please continue to leave it kerbside to facilitate collection which may be outside of normal collection hours.
  • Accessibility Options

Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council Logo

Display of Rating

Following notification of your rating you should display the sticker provided by your district council.  You will need to do this 21 days from the date you receive notification.  By law, you should display the sticker at or near each entrance to your premise that is available for use by customers.  Stickers must be displayed in a location where they can be readily seen and easily read by customers before they enter the establishment when it is open for business.


Informing the Customer

Under the Act you and your relevant employees e.g. front of house staff, must also tell customers, if asked, the rating the business has received.  This applies in a face to face situation as well as over the phone.

Not Happy With Your Rating?

If you are not happy with the food hygiene rating you have been awarded, you should contact the inspecting officer to discuss your concerns. If the issue cannot be resolved at that stage, you also have 3 further options to consider:

1. Re-Rating Inspection

  • As the Food Business operator of the establishment you can request the District Council to carry out a re-rating inspection if you have made improvements identified at the time of the inspection.

  • Your request must be made in writing and you must provide evidence on the improvements that have been made to the hygiene standards.

  • You should continue to display your current rating sticker as required at the time when making the request for a re-rating, until you have been notified of the outcome of the re-rating visit.

  • The re-rating visit will take place within three months of the request being made, and you will not be informed in advance of the specific date and time of the visit.

  • Although it is anticipated that most re-rating revisits will lead to an improved rating, it is possible for a lower rating to be given if standards have otherwise fallen.

  • There is a charge of £150 for a re-rating visit and this must accompany the request.  The application fee is non-refundable so make sure you have all the recommended improvements made. 

  • To make a request please download and complete a copy of the Food Hygiene Scheme Revisit Form or you can request a form from the Council on T. 028 9034 0160. Return the form to the Environmental Health Officer who inspected your premises ensuring that the £150 fee is enclosed. The request can also be emailed to envhealth@antrimandnewtownabbey.gov.uk with the payment being made over the phone on T. 028 9064 0160. Payments, where appropriate,  can also be made in person at Mossley Mill or Antrim Civic Centre.

 2. Exercise Your "Right to Reply"

  • The “Right of Reply” allows a Food Business to comment on the rating received.  You can give an update on actions that have been taken following the inspection, or to give any information on particular circumstances at the time of the inspection.

  • If you wish to use this "Right of Reply" please download and complete a copy of the Food Hygiene Rating Scheme Right of Reply Form and return it to the Environmental Health Officer who undertook your inspection or email envhealth@antrimandnewtownabbey.gov.uk

  • Your comments will be reviewed by Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council and may be edited in order to remove offensive or defamatory remarks before being published online and displayed together with your food hygiene rating at www.food.gov.uk/ratings.

 3. Appeals

  • You have 21 days (including weekend and bank holidays) from the date of receipt of the notification letter to lodge an appeal.

  • Appeals received more than 21 days after notification will not be considered.

  • The Appeal will be considered by an officer who was not involved in the production of the rating that was given.

  • The Appeal will be determined and the decision will be communicated to the Food Business Operator within 21 days from the date the appeal was received.

  • The rating will not be displayed at food.gov.uk/ratings during the 21 day appeal period.  If no appeal is made the rating will be “valid” after the 21 day period has expired.

  • To make an appeal, download and complete the Food Hygiene Rating Scheme Appeal Form and return to the Environmental Health Officer who inspected the premises within 21 days of receiving the notification of your score or email to envhealth@antrimandnewtownabbey.gov.uk

Related downloads:
Spotting Food Hygiene Rating Scheme in NI

Useful Contacts

Environmental Health

Mossley Mill,
Carnmoney Road North,
BT36 5QA

Tel: 028 9034 0160

Email Environmental Health