• Waste Collections
  • Due to recent weather conditions, there have been severe disruptions to collections across the Borough. Crews will be attempting to collect all missed areas on Saturday 11th January.
  • Black/Blue Bins
  • If your blue or black bin has not been collected by late afternoon on Saturday 11th January, please leave your bins kerbside for 7am on Monday 13th January to facilitate collection.
  • Wheelie boxes
  • If your wheelie box has not been collected by late afternoon on Saturday 11th January it will be collected at the next scheduled date. Crews will take overflow bags, one material in each, no glass.
  • Accessibility Options

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PCSP Unveil School Safety Signs

Antrim and Newtownabbey Policing and Community Safety Partnership have unveiled ‘Road Safety School Signs’ for Primary Schools across the Borough.

The project involves providing two portable signs for use by the local school to display within the immediate school grounds.

The signs will hopefully help to encourage drivers to slow down and promote positive parking at busy drop off and pick up locations for schools as this has been identified as an issue of concern across the Borough. 

Speaking about the initiative, Councillor Paul Dunlop, Chairman of the PCSP, said: “Road safety has been identified by the PCSP as one of its key priorities and the partnership continues to work on projects that increases awareness around particular issues of concerns on our roads.

"The two main issues of concern identified by local schools are parking and excessive speed of drivers. We hope that the signs help to address the problem of unsafe parking and driving in and around school entrances by involving the wider school community.
"As it is important that all pupils can travel to and from school safely and everyone has a responsibility to make this happen.”