Grange Neighbourhood Renewal Partnership
In June 2003, the Department for Social Development launched a Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy. The strategy seeks to target those communities throughout Northern Ireland who are suffering from the highest levels of deprivation. The Grange Neighbourhood Renewal Partnership was formally established in April 2006. It is an inter-sectoral partnership, tasked with driving the delivery of the neighbourhood renewal strategy in an area that broadly covers Ballyclare North and South. A map of the neighbourhood renewal area (NRA) is shown below.

The Neighbourhood Renewal Area
Currently there are almost 960 people living within the NRA. Unemployment rates in the NRA are double those for the Newtownabbey Borough Council area as a whole (8.7% compared to 4.6%).and 59.3% of people living in the area have no qualifications. Statistics on economic activity, benefit dependency and unemployment in Grange NRA demonstrate that economic difficulties remain a substantial concern.
In this climate of limited economic and social growth the Neighbourhood Renewal Partnership has created long term vision and action plan aimed at delivering improvement to the area.
The objectives of the Partnership are to manage, develop and oversee the regeneration of Grange to:
- Ensure that people living in the Grange Neighbourhood Renewal Area have access to the best possible services and to opportunities which make for a better quality of life, better prospects and the creation of a safer environment for themselves and their families.
- Develop economic activity in the Grange Neighbourhood Renewal Area and connect the community to the wider economy of Grange and Northern Ireland.
- Develop confident communities that are able and committed to improving the quality of life in the Grange Neighbourhood Renewal Area.
- Improve the environment and image of the Grange Neighbourhood Renewal Area so that it becomes an attractive place to live and invest in.
The ten year vision for the neighbourhood renewal area (NRA), is supported by a three year rolling action plan which sets out proposed delivery arrangements, programme and activities against DfC’s strategic objectives for neighbourhood renewal. The current action plan, 2015-2118 can be viewed by clicking on the link below:
Action Plan 2015-2018 (145kb)
Addressing the Strategic Priorities for Neighbourhood Renewal
The strategic priorities for Neighbourhood Renewal have been identified by DfC as:
- Community renewal – to develop confident communities that are able and committed to improving the quality of life in their areas.
- Economic renewal – to develop economic activity in the most deprived neighbourhoods and connect them to the wider urban economy;
- Social renewal – to improve social conditions for the people who live in the most deprived neighbourhoods through better coordinated public services and the creation of safer environments;
- Physical renewal – to help create attractive, safe, sustainable environments in the most deprived neighbourhoods.
Get In Touch
Grange Neighbourhood Renewal Partnership Facebook Page
DfC Neighbourhood Renewal Information:
DfC Neighbourhood Renewal Information
Members of Grange Partnership
Grange Annual Report 2022-2023
Grange Action Plan 2023-2024
Grange Code of Practice