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Part 12 of the Local Government Act (NI) 2014 sets out a General Duty of Improvement in that, “a Council must make arrangements to secure continuous improvement in the exercise of its functions”. A Council will be required to have regard in particular to improvement in the exercise of its function in terms of: strategic effectiveness; service quality; service availability; fairness; sustainability; efficiency; and innovation. The legislation also sets out that for each financial year, a Council must set itself and work to achieve ‘improvement objectives’ relating to the areas outlined above.

Our Vision

The Corporate Plan sets out the Council’s Vision for the Borough and identifies what we need to do between now and 2030 to achieve this: To be an ambitious Council which enables our communities towards and inclusive, prosperous and sustainable future.



A Council must publish information annually as to its performance in achieving its improvement objectives and those performance indicators and standards set by the Department and the Council itself. These assessments and improvement plans will be subject to audit by Local Government Auditor who must produce an Annual Improvement Report for each financial year for the Council.


Corporate Performance & Improvement Plan 2024/25

We are pleased to introduce our Corporate Performance and Improvement Plan for 2024/25 , outlining our steadfast commitments to the wellbeing of our residents and the seamless delivery of our services.

Our dedication to ongoing enhancements remains unwavering, and we acknowledge the necessity of exploring innovative approaches to enhance the quality of life for our residents.

In the pursuit of delivering exceptional services to our residents, we have identified six key areas for improvement for the year 2024/25.

The Corporate Performance and Improvement Plan 2024/25 continues to be aligned with the Corporate Plan which we have evaluated and revised for the years 2024-30.

To view the Corporate Performance and Improvement Plan 2024/25 please click here.


Corporate Plan 2024-30

This plan has been updated for the period 2024-2030 and builds on the work of the Council. It maintains our commitment to become a progressive and prosperous Borough and we will continue to be inspired by and driven by the ambition of our people to makes this a reality.

Our Civic Leaders are the driving force behind the ambitions set out in this Plan. They have agreed aspirational targets that challenge us to make a difference: either by doing things directly ourselves or trying to influence change on a wider scale. Working with our partners and stakeholders we have a very real opportunity to make positive changes

Our vision for 2024-30 is to be an ambitious Council: working towards a prosperous, inclusive, and sustainable Borough.

To view the Corporate Plan 2024-30 please click here


Useful Documents


Annual Reports


As a Council we welcome your feedback and are interested in how we can improve the services we provide. If you have any suggestions, please fill in the comment box below.

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