Organisation |
Contact Number |
Animal Welfare |
028 2563 3134 |
Bryson Energy |
0800 142 2865 |
Bus and Rail queries (Translink) |
028 9066 6630 |
Citizens Advice (Antrim & Newtownabbey) |
028 9590 6505 |
Education Authority |
028 2565 3333 |
Electricity Faults & Emergencies
(24 hours) |
03457 643 643 |
Fallen trees (Department for Infrastructure) |
0300 200 7893 |
Gas Emergency Response (24 hours) |
0800 002 001 |
Antrim Area Hospital
Whiteabbey Hospital |
028 9442 4000
028 9086 5181 |
Housing Executive
Main Number
(including grass cutting & graffiti)
Repairs Line
Housing Benefit
Emergency Homelessness (out of hours) |
03448 920 900
03448 920 901
03448 920 902
03448 920 908 |
Land Registry |
0300 200 7803 |
Mapping (Land & Property Services) |
0300 200 7804 |
Northern Health & Social Care Trust |
028 9442 4000 |
Pest Control (Consult your phone directory) |
Rates (Property Rating & Valuation) |
0300 200 7801 |
TransportNI (previously Roads Service)
Bus shelter vandalism/graffiti
Cut roadside trees and grass verges
Fallen trees
Flooding roadway, footpath and
blocked road gullies (24 hours)
Road repairs (including potholes)
Street lighting
Traffic Hotline
Winter salting (24 hours) |
028 9046 3250
028 9054 0540
0300 200 7891
028 9025 3000
0300 200 7893
0300 200 7899
0845 712 3321
0300 200 7893 |
Social Security Agency
Antrim and Newtownabbey Offices:
Benefits Freephone
Employment Service |
0800 022 4250
0300 200 7822 |
Telephone/Utility Boxes (BT fault) |
0800 023 2023 |
Voting (Electoral Office) |
0800 432 0712 |
Water (NI Water) |
03457 440088 |
Flooding Incident Line (24 hours)
Report your property is flooded or flooding |
0300 200 0100 |
Flooding - Council owned property |
028 9446 3113 |
Burst watermains and blocked sewers
(Northern Ireland Water) (24 hours) |
0345 744 0088 |
Overflowing rivers and watercourses
(Rivers Agency)
Water pollution in watercourse
(Northern Ireland Environment Agency) |
028 9260 6100
0800 807 060 |
(9.00 am to 4.00 pm) |
0300 123 6262 |
Action Fraud |
0300 123 2040 |