Public Health
The role of Public Health is based on nuisance work. The council will investigate complaints received from members of the public on the following areas:
Environmental Health investigate complaints of 'statutory nuisance' under the clean neighbourhoods and Environment Act (NI) 2011.
Defective privately rented dwellings
Drainage complaints
Offensive odours
Smoke, dust, and fumes
Accumulation of household waste
Accumulation of dog foul
Ruinous and dilapidated premises
In most instances the complaints are resolved through informal advice. Where people responsible for the nuisance are reluctant or unwilling to take steps to resolve the problem, then a notice can be served on them. Failure to comply with a notice can result in formal action in a magistrates court and a fine.
To report a public health problem, contact the Environmental Health Department at Antrim and Netwownabbey Borough Council.
Safety Alerts
April 2015 - Beko Gas Cooker and GDHA Gas Cooker
Beko Gas Cooker - further details (HSENI website)
GDHA Gas Cooker - further details (HSENI website)
Glen Dimplex Home Appliances - Corrective action programme for dangerous gas cookers