The Plan Strategy is one of two development Plan documents which, when read together will comprise the Local Development Plan (LDP) for the Borough. The second document is the Local Polices Plan (LPP) and this will be brought forward by the Council once the Plan Strategy has been adopted.
The LDP is a spatial land use Plan which is primarily about place. It will guide future development and use of land in our towns, villages, hamlets, and rural areas by addressing the spatial implications of social, economic, and environmental change. It is therefore a powerful tool for place-shaping.
The purpose of the LDP is to inform the public, statutory authorities, developers, and other interested parties of how our Borough should develop in the years ahead. It will balance competing demands and aims to ensure that appropriate development occurs in the right place at the right time. The policies and proposals of the LDP will be used to determine planning applications. A good LDP will lead to decisions that are consistent and people will know what to expect in terms of change, and the locations where development will be encouraged.
In summary, the LDP is intended to:
Provide a plan framework that will support the economic and social needs of our Borough up to 2030, taking into account regional strategies and policies, whilst providing for the delivery of sustainable development;
Facilitate sustainable growth by co-ordinating public and private investment that will encourage development where it can be of most benefit to the wellbeing of our community;
Allocate sufficient land to meet the needs of our Borough;
Provide a plan-led framework for rational and consistent decision making;
Help deliver the spatial aspects of the Community Plan; and
Provide an opportunity for all stakeholders and in particular our residents to have a say about where and how development within our Borough should take place.